What people are saying.

  • “Your art strikes me as happy, free and full of life. Creating must give you great pleasure.”

    — Susan

  • “Love your work for the opportunity to translate our own interpretation in your colorful abstract journey.”

    — Angelo

  • “You’re quite a colorist. Lovely work.”

    — Pamela

  • “I love living with your art. The more time I spend immersed in its beauty, the lighter and freer I feel. Your abstract expressions capture that elusive space and ever-changing energy between form and the formless that is both deeply personal and a shared phenomenon.”

    — Jennifer

  • "Your painting has truly brightened our lives amidst the darkness of the pandemic and an otherwise difficult time for us all. We look forward to seeing more of your work."

    — Alexander

  • "What a delight to watch my kindergarteners engage with you." They loved painting WITH you and then using your techniques on their own later in the afternoon. You truly inspired them, and me! Amazing how you enhanced so many lives in 1.5 hours with your talent, patience, and generosity.


  • "Love the life energy you put into your art. It's filled with so much joy and positivity. "


  • "I love your work. It's fresh, effervescent, and happy."


  • Abstract Art Workshops

    The content you presented was relevant and gave the students a solid understanding of abstraction that they could then apply to their own experimentation. The mindfulness exercise you led at the beginning of your workshop was also well received. Thank you!