Start a new relationship with yourself…NOW.*

Have you been wanting to:

  • Resolve concerns specific to you and your body?

  • Greatly improve your current eating habits?

  • Feel confident in choosing and preparing nutritious meals for you and your family?

  • Understand your cravings and binges?

  • Experience a remarkable increase in energy?

  • Feel better in your body and achieve your ideal weight?

  • Attain an increase in overall happiness in your life?


While most dietitians dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins, restrictions and lists of good and bad foods, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun, and FREE OF DENIAL and discipline. For over 14 years, I have helped guide my clients toward achieving a balanced life while maintaining optimum weight and energy. YOU CAN REACH YOUR GOALS.

No one eating plan works for everyone. 

I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you and the life you desire. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals. I help my clients become aware of their eating patterns by slowly increasing their knowledge of good nutrition, emotional balance and healthy lifestyle. As a result, my clients are able to incorporate a wider range of choices in their lives.  I also pick up where my client’s physician leaves off, helping to implement wellness strategies suggested after a check-up or diagnosis, in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.


I am a Health Coach certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Columbia University and am accredited by the Association of Drugless Practitioners. I founded Nourish Ur Life in 2007 and maintain a private practice in Center City Philadelphia, where I coach and counsel people both in person and through technology. As a multimedia artist, I’ve always been passionate about nutrition and healthy living and integrating nutritional counseling with my artistic vision.


 *Nourish Ur Life with Sally K. Eisenberg provides education and accountability for healthy living and is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice.